Cat In Heat Meowing. Indoor cats may continue to come into heat all year round. You can take the following steps to stop your female cat from crying when she is in heat.

A cat in pain, or experiencing sickness, will feel vulnerable. If your cat is used to getting what they want from meowing, they are going to meow more, and louder, when it quits working. Loud, continuous meowing, yowling, and whining that are easy to confuse with sounds of distress or pain.
A cat in heat will want to be outside constantly.
When this occurs, he will likely pace and meow incessantly throughout the time the female is in heat. Do yourself and the feline overpopulation problem a favor — have your girl spayed. When a cat's in heat, she advertises the fact to increase her chances of finding a boyfriend and having kittens. Intact male cats never lose the urge to procreate.