Cat Intestinal Blockage Surgery. The symptoms that your cat exhibits can vary depending on the location of the blockage in the gi tract and whether the blockage is complete or partial. The portion of the intestines that contained the tumor will be removed and the intestines will be resected.

The prognosis depends on how quickly the cat undergoes surgery, the cat's general state of health, the cause of the obstruction, and if there were any complicating factors involved. Key points about intestinal blockage. They can even go for days with something being wrong without ever giving you a clue.
Cat usually completely stops eating and drinking.
The symptoms that your cat exhibits can vary depending on the location of the blockage in the gi tract and whether the blockage is complete or partial. The incision will then be closed with sutures. It is a fairly common condition to which cats are susceptible. Small intestinal obstruction, where the path of the small intestines is in some way obstructed, can be caused by the ingestion of foreign bodies, tumors, hernias, intussusception (a condition in which one portion of the small intestine slides into the next, causing blockage), or mesenteric torsion, which is a particular twisting of the.