Cat Matted Fur Olive Oil. What you do is take a little squirt of baby oils and rub it all over the matting making sure you get the base by the skin and the tip. You should always begin with very small amounts and monitor how your cat reacts to the olive oil.

Longhaired cats develop matted fur more easily than their shorthaired counterparts do. Other pet owners claim that they rub olive oil directly on their cat's fur with much success and this helps soothe dry skin and itchiness. Fur licking keeps a cat's skin healthy and stimulates sebaceous glands in their skin to produce oil to lubricate the fur.
Other pet owners claim that they rub olive oil directly on their cat's fur with much success and this helps soothe dry skin and itchiness.
He has very itchy skin and keeps chewing and scratching to get relief. Turns out olive oil works wonders to remove these pesky matts from kitty's fur! Once you get under the mat, hold the hair at the base of the mat near the skin (so you don’t pull their skin) and then slowly pull the comb up through the mat to loosen it. 3.2 the olive oil cat mat removal method.