Cat Mouth Tumor Symptoms. And because cats have a tendency to mask illnesses, it can be harder to detect. Your cat may present with a number of signs and symptoms, depending on the type of mouth cancer he has.

Bad breath, refusal to eat food, facial swelling, swollen gums, drooling, and teeth loss are some of the most common symptoms of mouth cancer in cats. Common types of cancer in cats lymphoma or lymphosarcoma is the most common cancer in cats, the solid tumor comes from the white blood cell called lymphocyte, linked to the immune system. And because cats have a tendency to mask illnesses, it can be harder to detect.
Dropping food/difficulty eating or changes in how the cat chews or approaches the feeding dish, losing weight, vomiting, significant dental.
This nasty disease is a cancer that rears its ugly head in the cells that produce the lining of a cat's mouth and throat. Squamous cell carcinoma is the most common oral tumor seen in cats. Whether an oral mass is cancerous or not, the signs and symptoms will be very similar. Squamous cell tumors grow quickly, so time is of the essence once kitty is diagnosed.