Cat Mucus Plug Blood. She may have a small amount of discharge, which is the mucus plug coming out ready for the kittens to pass through. Nosebleeds, or epistaxis, are often linked to disease, exposure to toxins or physical trauma.even if your kitty has an active respiratory infection, it's possible there's a second issue causing the bleeding.

I've tried to gently wash it off with a warm rag and it wont come off. But if you notice an excessive amount of mucus in the stool, or if it is accompanied with blood or a radical change in your cat's bowel movements, seek immediate veterinary medical attention. Clear, opaque, red blood tinged, brown blood tinged and mixture of all of the above.
My cat lost her mucus plug about 26 hours ago, an hour or so hi, my cat lost her mucus plug about 26 hours ago, an hour or so after she seemed to have lost some clear fluid and did a lot of licking etc.
She may have a small amount of discharge, which is the mucus plug coming out ready for the kittens to pass through. My cat lost her mucus plug about 26 hours ago, an hour or so hi, my cat lost her mucus plug about 26 hours ago, an hour or so after she seemed to have lost some clear fluid and did a lot of licking etc. Nosebleeds, or epistaxis, are often linked to disease, exposure to toxins or physical trauma.even if your kitty has an active respiratory infection, it's possible there's a second issue causing the bleeding. Cervical mucus plug as a sign of labor.