Cat Neutering Procedure Female. The average age for neutering is about 6 months, just prior to sexual maturity. For all cat breeds, neutering is a wise step towards making a more obedient pet with less objectionable or aggressive behavior.

It is a misconception that spaying and neutering alter a pet’s personality; For female cats, spaying must be done before reaching six months and for male cats, before reaching nine months. However, similar to any surgical procedure, there are both, pros and cons of cat neutering, which pet owners should be aware of, before they.
However, similar to any surgical procedure, there are both, pros and cons of cat neutering, which pet owners should be aware of, before they.
Neutering the male cat (castration) is the surgical removal of both testes through small skin incisions in the scrotum, the sac that surrounds these glands. A female cat spay is generally fifteen to twenty minutes, depending on her age and where she is in her heat cycle. Cat neutering and spaying are always recommended because it prevents unwanted litters of kittens. These include the testicles, the sperm ducts, and the tubes that connect the ducts to the testes.