Cat Not Eating But Drinking Water. Regardless of the reason, it's a major concern if your cat stops eating. If your cat is fit and healthy, and still not eating food or drinking water, then it could be suffering from some psychological condition.

She will not get any appetite recovery for another day or 2 since it takes about 2 days for the shot to start working. Bear in mind that a lot of your cat’s water intake might come from their food. Changes in appetite and water intake you may notice you are filling your water bowls and fountains more often or you cat suddenly is a finicky eater or wanting to steal the pizza off your plate.
Water is essential to cats, who depend on proper daily fluid intake to maintain appropriate health and replace fluids that are routinely lost through urine, feces and respiration.water makes up 80 percent of your cat’s body, and is necessary for all his.
You can also add some juice from wet cat food. Loss of appetite after a vaccination is usually short live, mild, and temporary. Just a spoonful or two of flavoring mixed into the water may be enough to trick your cat into drinking the water, especially if your cat normally likes wet cat food. If your cat is eating moist canned food (which is 80% water), she may be getting sufficient moisture that way.