Cat Peeing A Lot Of Blood. Urolithiasis and kidney failure may require diet modification top prevent relapse. It might be a good idea to get a 2nd opinion from a different vet.

Pet owners may notice bright red blood on the anus, especially after a bowel movement, but more commonly blood is seen on or. I found my current vet when a friend requested i use her vet for a 2nd opinion for an issue with a different cat. My cat has been peeing everywhere but the litter box and he has blood spots in his urine,it looks like he strains to urinate sometimes but will still pee on furniture he's peed on since this started which is a week now, i'm not too sure what it is but i'm gonna try wet food and make sure he's hydrated but if it doesn't clear up in a week then.
Additionally, cats suffering from a bladder infection will clean their genitals more frequently and in severe cases may also vomit.
Internal injuries could produce bloody pee, such as damage to the kidney or bladder. If your cat is peeing blood and is only able to get a few drops out at a time, this is a medical emergency. Blood in a cat’s urine can have many potential causes. If your cat is urinating small volumes frequently, he is not peeing too much;