Cat Peeing A Lot Outside Litter Box. Contrary to what many people think, kitties aren't spraying on the walls, peeing on clothes, or eliminating outside of the litter box just for vindictive funsies. With non clumping litters it is hard to do this without constantly replacing the litter.

To find a box that is easy to get in and out of and that is covered or has high sides, you might need to consider making your own. There are numerous reasons why a cat might pee outside the litter box, but with a little investigation (and possibly a trip to the vet’s office), you should be able to determine what needs to be done to stop your cat’s inappropriate urination. Here are the top 10 ways to stop your cat from peeing outside the cat litter box.
It may be a change that you have made or he has a serious underlying issue.
A senior cat is peeing outside of the litter box is, unfortunately, a common complaint among cat owners. Inappropriate litter is also a reason for why your cat suddenly pees outside the litter box. New kitten peeing outside the litter box. The rule of thumb is one per cat and one for the house so definitely, add another box.