Cat Primordial Pouch Swollen. Biologists have 3 solid theories as to the purpose of your cat’s primordial pouch, which all cats have regardless of age, sex, weight, or breed. It's often further obscured from view because of belly fat and fur.

A visible primordial pouch is actually a part of the breed standard for certain cat breeds such as the bengal and the pixie bob. 5 normal anatomic peculiarities as told by fourth year veterinary student, hung vu most cat owners notice their companion’s long whiskers and many know that cats use them as sensors to navigate their environment. Woman's world explains that when a cat is hunting, she may stretch out to her fullest body length, and the cat pouch may give her more room to stretch.
5 normal anatomic peculiarities as told by fourth year veterinary student, hung vu most cat owners notice their companion’s long whiskers and many know that cats use them as sensors to navigate their environment.
My baby jade is a 2 yr old, 6 lb tiny lil cat. It's often further obscured from view because of belly fat and fur. The pouch's ability to expand may have enabled the feline hunters to stuff their stomachs to maximum capacity since they wouldn't know when they'd eat again. These include excess fat storage and loss of skin elasticity as a cat ages.