Cat Seasonal Allergies Treatment. While seasonal allergies in cats are quite common, it’s also frustrating. If you are feeding a homemade diet, it is important to ensure that your cat is receiving the correct nutrients.

So, if your pet had an incident of atopy in the past, and is suffering from insect allergies now, it’s not always advisable to use the same treatment or medication. Flea allergy, food allergies, atopy, and contact allergies are examples of allergies in cats, with flea allergy being the most common cause. If your cat suffers from seasonal allergies and you want to use natural remedies instead of steroids or drugs, there are several options that might help your kitty.
Your cat will likely not develop a runny nose, itchy eyes and watery sinuses like you would.
How to tell if your cat has seasonal allergies. Seasonal allergies can cause sinus inflammation, sneezing, coughing, excess mucous, runny eyes, yeast infections, and skin irritations like rashes and hot spots. If your cat suffers from seasonal allergies, steroids and other medications are easily available treatment options. And like humans, felines may benefit from medications as part of an allergy treatment plan.