Cat Stealing Breath Origin. Babies after all are very volatile and cry without warning because they are new to this world and learn from everything they see and do. My cat is fond of milk, and hangs around when i'm having cereal so he can get the last bit in the bowl.

A stray cat is the linking element of three tales of suspense and horror. Cats may often seek out babies for body warmth and snuggles. It’s hard to believe a person in the 1990s could still believe that cats can “suck the breath out of babies.” no reputable cat care book has ever suggested that a cat will “suffocate” a baby!
While anyone can believe this urban legend, usually people who are pregnant or have young children are most concerned with it.
I also noticed a fair number of citations from the navy. In a world of limited medical knowledge, the frightening “hecticks and consumptions. Some people would scam buyers by selling a cat in a bag instead of a piglet. One urban legend that says a cat will steal a baby’s breath in its sleep.