Cat Stung By Wasp On Tongue. The paw that has been stung has swollen to almost twice the size of the other paw. Some dogs may get stung on their paws upon stepping on the bee or wasp.

Getting stung on their nose is particularly painful. If a cat has been strung by a bee, wasp, yellow jacket, or hornet, the area can quickly become swollen and somewhat painful.the raised area is called a wheal, and if the cat has been stung more than once, you will see several of these. Be quick to recognize that your cat was bitten or stung.
If you see anything like the tongue turning blue, welts on body, rapid breathing or heart rate or any signs of severe allergic reaction, do nothing but get your cat straight to the vet.
Quickly search the area for flying insects as well as crawling ones. A sting to the inside of the mouth can be serious, especially if the tongue is swollen. How long does a yellow jacket sting last. It doesn't seem to bother them particularly, the swelling goes down within about 10 hours.