Cat Swollen Ear Canal. They are the most common cause of otitis externa (inflammation of the outer ear canal) in cats. A hairy ear canal interferes with proper drainage and aeration of the canal in chronic otitis externa complicated by granulomatous lesions.

Painful swelling of the ear, which will feel warm. There are several ways in which your cat could get an ear infection. The outer ear consists of the ear flap (pinna), and the ear canal.
It is advisable to complete the total course of prescribed medication, even after decreasing of symptoms.
Allergies and foreign objects lodged in the ear canal are responsible for many ear infections in cats as well. A hairy ear canal interferes with proper drainage and aeration of the canal in chronic otitis externa complicated by granulomatous lesions. Symptoms of a swollen ear canal. The ear flap may be tender to the touch, and feel warm or hot.