Cat Tail Up In Air. If you notice the tip of their tail twitching or slightly curved, that means they’re especially happy. A tail resembling a pipe cleaner reflects a severely agitated and frightened cat trying to look bigger to ward off danger.

If your cat is holding their tail up high in the air as they move about, it means they’re feeling confident and happy. Intact cat behavior when intact females display elevator butt it has a much more specific meaning. In this particular case, it seems to be an attention seeking cat behavior.
The tail is an important part of a cat’s body as it provides them with a sense of direction and balance as well as control over their bowels.
He’ll likely try to escape the situation if possible, but he may also stay to defend himself if necessary. Your kitty’s willingness to be friendly means this is a good time to offer playtime, cuddles, and even. I think that a tail up in the air means the cat is happy :o) agitation is shown by a cat that swishes their tail back and forth. Roselettta my friend has new cat she had to take over due to her son has baby on the way.