Cat Throwing Up Foam And Meowing. Thyroid problems in cats are difficult to pinpoint. So last night my roommate called me and told me my cat had vomited while i was out.

Over time, a cat’s digestive system can become sensitive to an ingredient (usually a protein) and actually mount an immune response against that ingredient. Some cats will get rid of hairballs more often than others, and this is typically considered normal. The last year he's been throwing up immediately after eating, or immediately after drinking.
White foam usually occurs because the cat's stomach or intestines have become inflamed.
If you cat keeps making choking noises, but you are sure there is no hairball or foreign object, the cough may be due to one of the following causes:. She is 11 years old. We used to set out a bowl of dry cat food all day long, and he would come and eat whenever he liked. For the past couple of days my wallowitz has been throwing up a clear and white foamy liquid several times per day, and was lethargic.