Cat Tooth Extraction Complications Symptoms. Sometimes these complications can occur regardless of what you do. Generally, the harder the tooth is to remove, the more the procedure costs.

Once the tooth has been knocked loose, the veterinarian will utilize extractors twist and pull the cat’s tooth out. I'm worried what the possible complications could be if i don't get the tooth pulled (its one of the smaller teeth mid way on the left side). A simple tooth extraction of a permanent tooth can range from $100 to $250.
Nothing about what might happen if it stays in.
This is a very common occurrence that can be covered by dental health insurance, and the most common cause for tooth extraction is a condition unique to cats called feline odontoclastic resorptive lesions (forl), or tooth resorption, which occurs in over half of the cat population. He is an inside only cat and the only cat we have. A persistent infection can result in an abscess that may leak directly into the oral cavity or may leak out onto the skin. Hello all please help as my previous post on princess i need to know if a cat can get infection after they have had extraction, prescribed antibiotics.