Cat Tooth Extraction Cost. Fortunately, there are ways for you to avail for dental extraction services at a significantly reduced price. I have a 10 year old, fixed, male cat who has been my buddy since he was a kitten.

Surgical extractions of permanent teeth cost $180 to $400; For example, if four teeth have to be pulled, the price may be $35 to $100 per tooth, but with most extractions. Cost of feline tooth extraction.
Generally, the harder the tooth is to remove, the more the procedure costs.
What does a pet tooth extraction cost? Those teeth can become infected and can cause major health problems in the cat. Joined jul 17, 2016 messages 2 reaction score 1. A dental extraction (exodontia) is a medical procedure in which the veterinarian removes a damaged or diseased tooth or in some cases, multiple teeth.diseased teeth cause considerable pain and impact on a cat’s quality of life.