Cat Urns For Ashes Uk. Pet urns for ashes losing a pet is one of the toughest things that a family can go through, aside from the grief you have 100’s of questions to answer, we hope by proving information, answers to the most common questions and sharing with you our unique range of pet urns, it will make your time a little easier. Cats are, perhaps, some of the most interesting friends that one can make.

A cat urn is a pet cremation urn that is perfect for the ashes of a pet cat. We have put a great deal of time and dedication into the design and decoration of these pet urns, which are all handmade and have flawless finishes. We have emailed a number of pet crematoriums in the uk to get an accurate measure on how much it costs to cremate a cat, but please bear in mind prices will vary depending on the service and additional extras.
Most of our cat urns are made of polished wood, either plain or with small, discreet ornamentations like accent
Cat urns for ashes uk commemorate the lives of your lovingly faithful companions with pet cremation urns. There is a range of caskets & urns suitable for keeping your cat’s. Apha licence 13/231/0009/abp/inc environment agency licence cbdu175523 A beautiful range of english craftsmen made pet urns and pet ashes caskets provide the perfect resting place for your deceased dog or cat.