Cat Vomiting Clear Liquid Renal Failure. Thyroid problems in cats are difficult to pinpoint. Unfortunately, although kidney disease can be stopped, it is irreversible and treatment will come in the form of lifestyle management, specifically diet and exercise.

Poisons, which are the most common cause of acute renal failure. It happens in cats of all ages and is usually the result of: The problems develop when a cat secretes too much of the thyroid hormone, resulting in symptoms such as oily skin, greasy hair, acne in the facial area, excessive salivation, and/or the cat throwing up clear liquid.
Acute renal failure (arf) is sudden onset kidney failure, often the result of crf in its crisis stage having not being addressed appropriately at early onset, or may also be caused by urinary obstructions, infectious diseases, trauma, or toxins ingested by the cat such as antifreeze (which contains ethylene glycol).
Renal failure is a very common disorder in elderly cats. So if there are parasites, treatments to remove them will be ordered, whereas obstructions might need surgical. I have tried 1/4 pepcid tablets but that does not work. Chronic small intestinal disease in cats the most common cause of vomiting in older cats (cats 11 years old and up) is chronic small intestinal disease.