Catan Two Player Card Game. Wool, wood, bricks, grain, ore, and gold. The way to win settlers of catan is to be the first one gain 10 victory points.

However, if you get your hands on a copy of rivals for catan, it's a much better game. A few years after the original game was created, klaus teuber released in das buch a special variant for 2. Two players catan is bad.
There's a reason that 83% of the community do not recommend catan with two players (see poll via main game page).
Rivals for catan was launched in both english and german in late 2010. Wool, wood, bricks, grain, ore, and gold. Crucially, on each turn, a player uses 2 separate rolls of 2 dice, instead of one roll. That is, the ultimate goal for the players is to be the first to get rid of all their cards.