Compostable Cat Litter Uk. There are litters on the market made from coconut, from wheat and from recycled newspaper. Granular biodegradable cat litter can be easily tracked much like clay litter and may require more frequent cleaning of the litter box, but its dust is benign to both humans and cats that come in contact with it.

Minimal dusttypes of biodegradable cat litterwood cat litterpaper cat littercorn cat litterwheat cat litterwalnut cat littertop 5 best natural cat. Clay cat litter also isn’t biodegradable or compostable either so just ends up in landfill until the end of time. An affordable, biodegradable, and easy to use cat litter that is 100% safe for your pet.
This will reduce the risk of the bags leaking.
There are a number of reasons for this, but suffice to state that most types of cat litter contains cat waste and other toxins, and that can be damaging to plants, other animals and children. There are also many disposal benefits to buying a biodegradable cat litter. This will reduce the risk of the bags leaking. Voted “best buy litter 2006” and “highly commended litter 2007/08” by your cat magazine, okoplus is made from 100% pure organic fibre, is biodegradable and even compostable!