Corneal Ulcer Cats Healing Time. Grid keratotomy resulted in healing of the corneal ulcers within approximately 6 weeks. Any breed of cat may acquire a corneal ulcer, but breeds with bulging eyes, such as persians, are at.
Healed corneal ulcer. Cat eye problems from
A central corneal ulcer with hypopyon. Corneal ulceration is the excessive loss of cells in the outermost layer of tissue (epithelium) covering the cornea. Less common causes of corneal ulcers include bacterial infections, viral infections, and other diseases.
There are three classes of ulceration:
Atropine drops are sometimes used to help control the pain of the corneal ulcer while it is healing. Read about symptoms, signs, causes, treatment, healing time, and prevention. Corneal ulcers in dogs and cats may not heal properly or may get infected. A corneal ulcer is an open sore on the cornea.