Could Cats Eat Celery. Keep reading to learn how. Dogs and cats should get no more than 10 percent of their total calories from treats to avoid unbalancing their diet.

By the way, if you are going to introduce celery for the first time, then keep an eye with celery leaves. Yes cats can eat bananas are they are not toxic, but cats do not require bananas as part of their diet and too much can lead to health complications. But you can’t cook them as a meal we tend to eat.
Carrots can be safe for cats to eat, but whether they're actively healthy for cats is a separate question.
By the way, if you are going to introduce celery for the first time, then keep an eye with celery leaves. However, you have to be careful to destring celery stalks before feeding them to your bird. Tips for preventing your cat from eating dangerous foods If you ate an entire cup of diced raw celery, you’d get: