Could Cats Eat Pistachios. They're high in protein and fiber, and a single ounce will give you the same amount of potassium you'd get from a banana. (2) may cause high blood pressure pistachios in their natural form don’t contain a lot of sodium, and in fact, the amount of sodium present in natural pistachios is just around 0 to 2 mg sodium per ounce of pistachios.

They are really good for cats. If your cat gets a hold of a few pistachios, then you don’t need to worry. Onions and garlic can cats eat onions or garlic?
If your cat eats pistachios, then she may suffer from some gastrointestinal distress.
If your cat eats pistachios, then she may suffer from some gastrointestinal distress. The short answer is no—cats shouldn't eat any nuts or seeds. Although pistachios come with a cocktail of health benefits for humans, these nuts can wreak havoc on your cat’s digestive system. While pistachios don’t naturally produce aflatoxins, the nut is vulnerable to its infection.