Could Cats Eat Popcorn. Any cat, regardless of age or breed, can safely eat it and not fall sick. Yes, cats can eat popcorn but, no, your cat shouldn’t eat popcorn.

Also the gourmet kinds of popcorn like caramel, candied, chocolate, and cheese coated could be harmful to your cat if they manage to eat a couple pieces. Popcorn has been found on funeral urns in mexico dating back to 300 a.d. Popcorn is to be strictly avoided.
It is not toxic to your cat, however, this only applies to popcorn without seasoning or any additives.
Cats can eat popcorn provided it is the fluffy part. Furthermore it can cause a lot of health problems like diabetes, high blood pressure and colic. Cats require very little carbs in their diet, instead, they need a high fat, high protein diet to stay healthy. The additives in popcorn can also be very harmful to cats.