Crate Training Cat Litter Box. During that time, play with him, groom him, love him up, but if you are not directly engaged with him, he should be confined so he has no opportunity. Cats do not like to step in a litter box with.

Some cats, though, will need proper training. You want to make sure she knows it’s her home, and it’s a happy place. Crate training with litter doesn't usually involve a crate.
As a general rule, there should be more litter box in your house than your cats.
The most important thing to keep in mind when solving litter box avoidance with your cat is patience. Cats do not like to step in a litter box with. One cause could be the mistake of not ensuring you are using the same type of litter your kitten or cat was used to at the breeder, the shelter, or the previous home you adopted from. While deciding on a litter box may seem like a trivial task, it actually does make a big difference to your kitten.