Diabetic Cat Behavior Changes. The condition is known as hypoglycemia and isn't exclusive to diabetic cats, however. Possibly the number one reason for cats to be relinquished, euthanized, and abandoned is an elimination problem.

Keep your cat’s diet consistent, including food type, quantity of food, and timing of meals. You need to be wary of any sudden and excessive increase in thirst, not just normal cat behavior. An alarming number of cats are developing diabetes mellitus, which is the inability to produce enough insulin to balance blood sugar, or glucose, levels.
Not only that, but the health of a cat who isn’t receiving proper nutrition will spiral out of control even faster.
Keep a log book at home to note changes in your cat’s appetite, thirst, eliminations, and energy level. Changes in appetite a lost appetite can be a very clear sign that something is wrong. Behavior changes in the urination and defecation habits of your cat are most often related to stress, fear, or a lack of appropriate, clean, litter box options. Keep a log book at home to note changes in your cat’s appetite, thirst, eliminations, and energy level.