Disciplining A German Shepherd Puppy. The german shepherd is eager to learn new things and thrives when kept active and given a job or a task to do. When disciplining your german shepherd, one might imagine that disciplining implies spanking, denying food, or some other negative punishment that makes your dog feel the pinch of poor behavior.

Your best course of action is to prevent the bad behavior in the first place by watching your pup and not leaving them unsupervised. Your new german shepherd puppy is great about wandering around the backyard and staying on your property. The pacific pups dog toys are a wonderful addition to any german shepherd’s life.
When your puppy goes to the bathroom outside reward it with a treat.
Training your shepherd will be a growing experience for both of you. How to discipline a puppy. Disciplining a young puppy may be necessary if it's behaviour threatens people or property, but harsh punishment should be avoided. Possessive aggression occurs when the dog thinks food, a toy or some other item or resting place will be taken away.