Distemper Shot For Cats How Often. Any cat can catch distemper, however, kittens between two and six months old, pregnant cats and cats with compromised immune systems are at greatest risk of contracting the disease. Vaccines are given to your cat one year after the end of the kitten series.

Although most cats are vaccinated against distemper, there is still a chance that your pet will contract the disease. It's caused by a parvovirus that wreaks havoc in puppies, and kittens infected with distemper suffer a very high mortality rate. Because of widespread vaccination, it's not seen much these days.
The feline distemper vaccine should only be given to healthy cats.
How often do dogs need distemper shots? Some veterinary experts recommend giving a feline epinephrine prior to the shot, since some cats can have an anaphylactic shock or a false fever. Some dogs may need a second distemper vaccine as puppies if maternal antibodies block the first one, but if a puppy is vaccinated after 12 to 16 weeks of age, he will most likely be protected, for life, with just one distemper vaccine. The major differences between feline rabies vaccines are whether they contain an adjuvant or not.