Do Bulldogs Shed More In The Summer. French bulldogs do shed, but the shedding cycle should only be twice a year if your pet is healthy. Luckily, french bulldogs do not have an undercoat, so they do not have to shed a lot.

Some breeds shed more than others, some have long hair that’s more noticeable, but in the end, they all lose hair periodically. That is, their thicker and denser winter coats. Of course, if your bully has any kind of white coating, the hair is more likely to show.
Do english bulldogs shed a lot?
Changes to weather, health, environment, pregnancy and indoor living conditions can all affect when they shed their hair. Yes, rat terriers do shed and they can even shed heavily in the shedding season but fortunately, due to their hair being short and very thin, you can easily control the shedding level by performing proper grooming practices. In the winter they shed their summer undercoat and grow out a thicker, warmer coat to stay warm during the cold part of the year. Bulldogs are usually more prone to hair loss than other dog breeds are.