Do Cats Eat Bed Bugs. The masked hunter, reduvius personatus. The bugs prefer to live in cool, dark spaces such as the seams of a mattress or behind a headboard, so it's unlikely that fluffy's' fur would be infested.

That flea collar might do well to keep jumpers off of your dog or cat, but it won’t do much against bed bugs that might latch on for a quick snack. Do cats eat bed bugs? They are too small, and cats are not lured to them.
According to the california department of public health, while bed bugs prefer humans, they will feed on dogs and cats as well.
They are a type of assassin bug that eat a variety of small arthropods, but are known to hunt bedbugs at night. Bed bug sniffing dogs, like the beagles in this news story out of the bay area, are a great way to determine whether or not you have an infestation. Bed bugs do not transmit pathogens to cats or humans, but cats are prone to developing a severe itch from a bite. Bed bugs are master hiders, and they run pretty fast, too.