Do Cats Eat Bugs In The Wild. However, keeping in mind the wild nature of a fox, it would be foolish to rule out the possibility of a fox attacking a cat. With few exceptions, both are also solitary hunters.

Even though both are predators, the movements of the much smaller spider seems to evoke the cats. However, keeping in mind the wild nature of a fox, it would be foolish to rule out the possibility of a fox attacking a cat. And in parts of north america, a large member of the weasel family called the fisher, or fisher cat, not only eats cats, but is a good climber and can chase them right into the tops of trees.
In the wild, cats will sometimes kill and eat spiders.
Why do cat foods have ingredients other than protein? Rats are scavengers by nature. This principle classifies cats among the cleanest animals in the wild. In their natural habitat, chameleons survive on a diet of insects, including grasshoppers, crickets, and locusts, but larger chameleons might consume small birds or even other lizards.