Do Cats Eat Grass To Make Themselves Sick. Why do cats eat grass? In fact, over 7 out of 10 cats are reported by their owners to regularly enjoy tucking into a meal of the green stuff.

We would like to point one thing out, though. Even though cats don’t need to purge thanks to modern veterinary care, early on in their evolution, this was a necessary measure to help prevent intestinal parasites. Investigators have not come to a conclusion why cats display this curious behavior.
We would like to point one thing out, though.
I've been leaving the grass out for them to nibble on, but the vomiting is getting excessive. For cats, eating grass is a behavior held over from earlier generations, according to a new study. The first stupid vet i took him to said he would eat when he was hungry and cats throw up a lot. Some cats vomit the grass covered worms however, and because owners observed these cats eating grass also, the old wives’ tale arose that “sick cats eat grass to make themselves vomit.” no scientific data supports this theory;