Do Cats Eat Grass. We would like to point one thing out, though. If they change what they eat to include more grass being used as a laxative, it may be your cat is experiencing some digestive problems.

Some even believe cats eat grass to relieve sore throats. If your cat is grazing, it may be because he or she is battling a dietary deficiency and is in search of this vitamin boost. So if your cat is eating large quantities of grass it might pay to give it a visit to the vets to find out if there is anything else more serious going on.
Cats do a lot of weird things.
This occurs when your cat is trying to cope with stressors in her life. Cat grass is a better alternative to eating lawn as it will be contaminant free and is grown specifically for feline consumption. After munching away on grass, a short time later, cats inevitably upchuck those greens. Cats eat grass to get vitamins and minerals.