Do Cats Get Jealous Of New Kittens. A number of cats living together aren’t so very different from a number of people living together. He will have to gradually.

Like people, cats have different personality of those happens to be jealousy—or, at least, what looks like jealousy. It certainly can happen, especially if the older cat feels it is getting less attention than it is used to or less than the new kitten. While not always, frequent causes of jealousy toward people are new folks coming into the home.
Either way, a little sibling rivalry never hurt anyone.
Jealousy, rivalry, the need for love and attention are shared by both humans and their pets. Now 3 of my older vats could care less. If you have a baby, get a new roommate or have a boyfriend over a lot, kitty sees this as taking time away from her. Your cat is very jealous because she is afraid that this new kitten will replace her.