Do Kittens Lose Canine Teeth. Your little kitten is born without teeth. A kitten with no teeth is likely a newborn, younger than 2 weeks of age.

As bengal kittens lose their baby teeth, they are replaced by adult teeth. He'll have 26 of these teeth, including his incisors, canines and premolars. Similarly, kittens lose their milk teeth or, in the medical term, deciduous teeth, then permanent adult teeth grow to fill in the blank.
On each side of the top jaw, they have three incisors, one canine tooth, and three premolars.
Kittens are born without visible teeth. These can cause problems such as early decay due to food being trapped between the teeth and forming. Kittens have 26 deciduous teeth and adult cats have 30 permanent teeth. Between 5 to 6 months of age, your kitten gets four extra teeth, two at the top and two at the bottom, called molars.