Do Raccoons Eat Domestic Cats. They do kill some small prey, but they find most of the meat they eat. While they're not the most feisty or aggressive of creatures, if your feline gets into a scuffle with a raccoon, you need to watch out for the danger of communicable diseases, including rabies.

They normally have a fairly omnivorous diet. Although it would be difficult to take down a large feline, raccoons have been known to get territorial when it comes to the food that they find. The wild creature will most definitely try to attack and eat the kittens.
I had my cat for 16 years and rabbit for 10 years.
Well, this is a common question tossing the mind of many cat lovers especially those living in areas with several gangs of raccoons. Dogs can also hunt cats, although domestic dogs do not always do so for food. In short, yes, it’s a possibility that a raccoon would and could attack, drag off and eat a domestic cat. 3.) maintain your yard and garden of all debris, leftover fruit, scraps, and vegetables.