Ear Tipping Cats Painful. Ear mites make cats shake their heads and scratch themselves around the ears, head and neck. Ear tipping is the only reliable choice for identifying sterilized feral cats.

The tip of the cat’s ear is surgically removed while they are under anaesthesia for their neutering operation, so they don’t feel a thing. Tipping will require removal of the top one centimeter (1 cm) of the ear so only the top portion should be prepped; There is little or no bleeding involved, and it is not painful to the cat.
We want to get them spayed but my family is poor.
It allows the identification of sterilized cats in the field so that they do not face the trauma of unnecessary transport and surgery again. It allows the identification of sterilized cats in the field so that they do not face the trauma of unnecessary transport and surgery again. Other causes include head shaking or a blow to the ear. Live mites look like white, moving specks about the size of a pin head (use a.