Eco Friendly Cat Litter Box. However, i know some cat owners prefer to just lift out a bag and toss it, rather than deal with scraping litter off the side of the pan. It can be a greener way to dispose of used cat litter, and the finished compost will provide you with free fertilizer for your household plants.

However, i know some cat owners prefer to just lift out a bag and toss it, rather than deal with scraping litter off the side of the pan. You don’t really need them. Litter boxes aren’t usually attractive.
Litter boxes made from metal, more accurately stainless steel.
Besides being inexpensive, it is easy to handle, has a pleasant odor, and is. It will not sit in landfills for years. But way basics has built a litter box that solves all those problems. Searching for a sustainable cat litter.