English Bulldog Food Bowl. Bulldogs appear rather be by your sues. English bulldogs have naturally short muzzles and can sometimes struggle to lift their heads up high, so setting it lower down will make it easier for them to swallow.

To my pit bull mix, koda, this is a free helping of seconds. Ymaxgo french bulldogs ceramic bowls. English bulldogs have naturally short muzzles and can sometimes struggle to lift their heads up high, so setting it lower down will make it easier for them to swallow.
Elevated dog bowls for frenchies:
If your frenchie has ever had any of the issues above changing their food bowl may help. What are these in the case of a food bowl, i will detail below: If say, after adding rice back into the food, your bulldog breaks out with a rash on his legs, paws and face, you would then be sure he is allergic to rice. These are all strong reasons to experiment with different dog food bowls for your frenchie.