Essential Oils And Pets Doterra. Janet is a very knowledgeable vet, versed not only in standard medical practices, but also in the practice of alternative care using essential oils. Use extra special care when using essential oils with cats as they are very sensitive little beings (far more than dogs).

Not all essential oils are harmful to pets. I use doterra oils on my family and pets because they are the only certified pure therapeutic grade essential oils.they are ethically sourced and bottled in a chemical free environment. Even though the oils i’m about to list are generally considered safe to use around your pets, follow the guidelines in the section further down to minimize any risks.
**join our diamond doterra team & get a free welcome gift** as essential oil users, we have come to use oils to benefit so many different areas of our lives.
Diffusing and using oils that have unknown additives and impurities tells us nothing about using doterra certified pure therapeutic grade oils with our pets. Diffusing and using oils that have unknown additives and impurities tells us nothing about using doterra certified pure therapeutic grade oils with our pets. Essential oils that are commonly considered unsafe for pets. It’s important to keep our pets in mind as we use essential oils in our homes.