Essential Oils Cats Diffuser. How to diffuse essential oils around cats. The best essential oil brands for cats.

Many essential oils are very dangerous to cats, and in fact the sonic diffusing method is the most dangerous of all because the airborne particulate is made so small from the sonic waves insider the diffuser that cause it to become a mist, it makes it much easier to enter the cat’s blood stream via the lungs and quickly accumulate in the liver. The diffuser tips over onto or near the cat, or the cat ingests a personal diffuser), the main hazard to cats from essential oils dispersed through passive diffusers is respiratory irritation. Diffusing essential oils allows us to inhale them for their therapeutic effects.
Even in a diffuser, the following essential oils should never be used around cats.
However, many people are afraid that freshening up their homes may negatively affect their pets, especially cats. Essential oil and aromatherapy diffusers, candles, liquid potpourri products, and room sprays are sources of airborne essential oils that cats can inhale or lick off their fur. As the aspca pointed out, in their concentrated form (100%), essential oils can absolutely be a danger for pets, including when the oil is placed on their skin, fur or paws. If you can smell the fragrance of the oil, there is oil in the air and it can affect your cat.