Essential Oils Cats Lavender. Aside from toxicity, lavender essential oils can also irritate the cat’s skin and delicate mucous membranes of the mouth, leading to contact dermatitis and mouth ulcers. If you use essential oils for yourself or around the home, try to make sure they are diluted first to minimise the risk to your cat.

List of essential oils to avoid for cats while the essential oils listed here are safe for human use, they can be quite the opposite for felines. Rosemary (as opposed to rosemary verbenone); Essential oils are distilled organically from various plants.
Elderly cats, as well as kittens, can be affected by essential oils.
Cats are carnivores, and their digestive system differs from ours. They all have the potential to be toxic to your fur baby. Essential oils are distilled organically from various plants. 3) just because paws have leathery pads that doesn’t mean it’s safe to apply essential oils to them.