Ever Clean Cat Litter Lightweight. Ever clean lightweight extra strength cat litter. It performs similarly compared to the other products reviewed above, having the antimicrobial agents and plant extracts.

Perlite can help reduce the weight of the cat litter up to 50% while maintaining the same volume. Ever clean is committed to making its website accessible for all users, and will continue to take steps necessary to ensure compliance with applicable laws. The last product we want to quickly recommend is this brilliant litter from ever clean.
This has been around for a long time and it’s extremely popular in gardening.
Ever clean litter contains an agent that inhibits the growth of bacterial odors on the litter. You don’t want to feel like you’re scraping chunks out of a bowl of cookie dough. But not all clumping litter works equally well. This is a listing of all ever clean cat litters that have been reviewed and we also list what we think are the best ever clean cat litters with our internal ranking system.