Fish Oil For Cats Dosage. Whenever you’re using elevated doses of fish oil to treat particular problem, you should always do so with your vet’s guidance. More than that, it also helps alleviate issues that pets may have with.

Krill oil is a great alternative to fish oil as a source of epa and dha omega 3 fatty acids and is growing fast in popularity. Here is a general guideline: Cats are not usually very cooperative in taking pills.
Veterinary strength is sold exclusively through veterinary clinics and can be added directly to your pets’ food.
But dogs can also benefit from omega 3 supplementation, especially as they get older. You should consult your veterinarian before deciding on the correct dosage for your pet, and read product labels carefully. Benefits of fish oil dosage in dogs. Veterinarians will recommend high quality foods, and some people will go to the extent of.