Fisher Cat Pictures Ct. It has massive claws, sharp teeth, and a habit of killing everything that it can and caching the extra in a vee in a tree. Sneaking up with a camera he took these pictures of two juvenile fishers inside the den.

A fisher would attack, often when the cat was bedded down to wait out the snow flurry, going right for the lynx’s neck. It is well established that the fisher cat makes the sounds to mate and attract other fisher cats but people have also noticed the fisher cat animal scream out just before or after a kill. Then the fisher flips the porcupine over and attacks the throat or belly where there are no quills.
When trapping the fisher cat, it’s important to remember they like meat.
A fisher would attack, often when the cat was bedded down to wait out the snow flurry, going right for the lynx’s neck. See more ideas about mammals, animals wild, animals. When trapping the fisher cat, it’s important to remember they like meat. Fisher cat that has been caught and killed, then stuffed and set outon display in the winter sunshine.