Flame Lynx Ragdoll Cats. Cats & kittens (30) location. Ragdoll and siamese cats are often confused due to some similarities that these breeds share in terms of colors and patterns but they are very different breeds from many points of view.

They have been wormed every 2wks with panacur 10% small animal and flea treated. Body color is a shade lighter than the points. Flame point ragdoll cats come in five main colors.
This cat presents a creamy white and deep orange lynx pattern on its body, tail, mittens and mask.
Flame lynx colorpoint ragdoll cat dexter, a flame lynx colorpoint ragdoll, owned by robert camacho and kristina endsle. He has been brought up in a lovely family home with other cats and young children. 1 blue mitted male ragdoll 1 blue bicolor lynx male ragdoll available december 15th, pic available december 1st:. The disparity in coat color does not change the friendly and affectionate nature of the cat.