Free Spay And Neuter Clinics For Cats Near Me. We can accomplish this goal with your help and support of the following initiatives: Humane education programs in schools where animal welfare education is lacking;

If you live in one of the following zip codes and want to spay or neuter your dog, you qualify to participate in our free spay/neuter program. By spaying or neutering, you can give your pet a happier, healthier future and help reduce the number of animals that end up in shelters, on the streets, or worse. A wealth of referral services for low cost spay/neuter of cats and dogs is now available.
South clinic at cutler bay 10700 s.w.
We recommend searching through the national databases first for a provider near you. 95111, 95112, 95116, 95122, 95127. The surgeries also include free rabies vaccine and transportation assistance if needed. The purpose of this free spay and neuter for cats near me is to help the owner with a low budget make the health decision of spaying or neutralizing in a customized allowance.the primary function of neutralizing any animal is to stop the overgrowing amount of unwanted critters.