French Bulldog Ohio Rescue. There are animal shelters and rescues that focus specifically on finding great homes for french bulldog puppies. We are run solely on the donations of our supporters.

Visits and puppy travel are still available for you to receive a puppy at this time. Except in rare or unusual cases, adopters are expected to pick up their dogs from their foster family. Advertise your frenchy puppies for free.
As part of our mission, we work to advance awareness and knowledge of the responsible acquisition and ownership of the french bulldog breed.
The brits were not happy with the name french given to a dog that was originally from england, however the name french bulldog stuck. We are an english and french bulldog rescue in the state of ohio. 13,706 likes · 55 talking about this. The brits were not happy with the name french given to a dog that was originally from england, however the name french bulldog stuck.